Monthly tuition is based on type of class, length of class and number of classes taken. Discounts are offered on specific combined classes. Most individual school year classes start at $65/month
There is a non-refundable registration fee per family due at the beginning of the summer that is $30.00. This fee holds your dancer’s spot in your desired class. Tuition is due the first of each month or parents may select a quarterly payment schedule.
We offer the following discounts for our Fall/School Year Programs
- 2nd child 15% off of least expensive program
- 3rd child 50% off of least expensive program
- Students enrolling in more than 1 class receive discounted price on second class
Pembroke School of Performing Arts was founded with the belief that all children with the desire should have the opportunity to experience the performing arts and be able to explore and develop without the inhibition of financial hardship.
We continue to offer scholarships and flexible payment plans to those in need. Please inquire in confidence with Miss Kathleen should you have the need for these services, and together we will work to ensure your child’s continued studies.